Tuesday, May 11, 2010

painting, painting, painting

The bathroom repairs/updates are done! Now, I just have to buy a shower curtain and some accessories. Here are pictures of the installed fixtures, etc:

We started painting the rest of the house last night. There's so much painting to be done! Here's a picture so you can see the old beige color versus the new gray.

The living room

The dining room

Finding the perfect color for the kitchen has been a bit of a trick. The color on the right is the first sample color we got. It was not the right color. The color on the left is the color we are going with.

This is my bedroom. It's a grey one shade lighter than the living room/dining room and two shades lighter than the bathroom. Once the gray is dry, we are adding a deep red stripe around the room.

stay tuned... more to come...

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