Sunday, September 12, 2010

whirlwind leaps and bounds!

So, I had gotten a bit dormant in my home renovations due to business, illness and just plain lack of motivation. But then, my roommate decided she wanted to have a birthday party which was good b/c it gave me a deadline! Here are some before and afters:

After searching EVERYWHERE (seriously!) I finally bit the bullet and drove down to Atlanta to go to IKEA and finally found some fabric for my curtains. The top part was supposed to be the turquoise from the kitchen walls, but we haven't been able to find that either. Mom put the white on for the time being. But they look pretty darn good! Still left to do: recover the sofa somehow, find some throw pillows, get a few more things on the walls including really cool vinyl wall decals that are on their way from!

Here's a close-up of the knick-knacks on the chest. The photo is by my good friend, Tyler Malone ( ). The flowers are a bouquet I caught at a friend's wedding (ha!) and the cameras are vintage that someone at work left in a box marked "free to a good home." I took them up on the offer.

It's so nice having a space to work on my computer, play my records and write music. The desk is also from the IKEA trip... I love it! The posters on the wall are from Hatch Show Print, here in Nashville as well as Grand Palace silk screening in Murfreesboro. I'm also waiting on an wall decal for this room.

I'm really happy with how my bedroom turned out. I finally got a night stand a little while ago from and the little globe lamp is another fabulous IKEA find.

Stay tuned, more to come!

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