Monday, June 7, 2010


we've gotten a lot more painting done. there's just a little left and still a LOT of putting things away to do and lots of finishing touches. but here are pictures on some more of the progress:

my bedroom was the same plain beige as every other room in the house so, we fixed that:

my bedding is grey with white orchids and deep red sheets. since we chose grey for the living room/dining room and bathroom, we kept with the theme. we used a color that is a shade or two lighter than the bedding and since my mother loves to experiment with paint, we added a red stripe to tie in the red of the sheets.

the bonus room had to be painted as well

mom saw this on HGTV, so we tried it. there are three shades of the same grey in the house. we used all three for the bonus room.

i also finally got my shower curtain!!

and after too many drill holes and several attempts to get the screws in the holes on the shelf... we finally got my shelf up in the kitchen!